Together, these 10 developers have published 6640 skills. According to, there were 63 215 skills on the Alexa marketplace in June 2019. Thus, these 10 developers are responsible for a whopping 10% of all skills on the American Alexa marketplace! The wildest thing about these skills is that 95.7% of them (6356) do not even have one rating (so it has 0 star)! The assumption here is that if a skill does not have 1 rating, it’s probably not being used by anyone.
My takeaway from this is that most of these skills should have been collapsed into a “central” skill that guides the user to the information they seek. What do you think?
InfoByVoice: 2288 skills, 2282 with no reviews
These are all skills for information about church services (“Service Times, Location, Phone Number and more”). Lots of churches out there… 971 skills, 886 with no reviews
Patch is an independent U.S. local news and information platform. They operate in over a thousand communities and have skills for many of their locations.
Rhall, 793 skills, 792 with no reviews
All skills built with Except for the one skill with the review (a joke skill with “tells you if your device (Alexa) is on or not.”). The other 792 skills give facts about a wide variety of topics.
VoiceSkillsInc: 453 skills, 399 with no reviews
This developer with has a fairly random assortment of skills. VoiceSkillsInc has all the credentials of a very legitimate developer, which is why I am particularly surprised by how many of their apps sit largely untouched on the marketplace.
SnoCountry, 446 skills, 391 have no ratings
These are all reports from various ski hills that including the latest snowfall, snow surface conditions, base depth, trail, and lift operations information.
GateHouse Media, LLC, 437 skills, 405 have no ratings
GateHouse Media is a publisher of locally-based media in the United States. They publish more than 140 daily newspapers, 340 community publications and 570 local market websites. They made skills for many of these local market websites.
sachin nelwade, 341 skills, 332 without ratings
A large collection of random quotes and facts skills.
My Home Agent, 313 skills, 275 without ratings
Flash Briefing to help specific real estate agents market their services to customers to sell, buy, and rent.
ButtonPushApps, 305 skills, 302 without rating
These skills are (I suspect) procedurally generated variations on “Stay up to date on the most popular sales and downloads from Apple with The Top 10 [category] in [location].”
Infigo, 293 skills, 293 without rating
There are hundreds of skills with names like “Sarcastic boss”, “Hello Zest”, and “Fruity Fruit Facts” with the description “Ask me for a joke”. I have no idea what these are about, but these don’t seem very popular…
2 thoughts on “Top 10 most prolific Amazon skills developers (September 2019)”