Are Alexa’s policies applied to everyone equally?
We recently submitted a skill to Devpost’s ISP competition. Because I suspect skill description plays an undervalued role in marketplace discoverabilRead More…
Market intelligence for Amazon Alexa
We recently submitted a skill to Devpost’s ISP competition. Because I suspect skill description plays an undervalued role in marketplace discoverabilRead More…
Looking through our data, I noticed that several skills names appeared multiple times. This was not particularly surprising and duplicate entries areRead More…
Dear reader, I like to imagine you reading this blog with your morning coffee. After putting down your newspaper, and as teh site loads, you think toRead More…
Just in time for Halloween, here are 4 scary skills to keep you on edge as the ghouls and goblins roams the streets for treats! To be honest, only 2 Read More…
Is there was a relationship between a skill’s ratings and its ranking on the Alexa marketplace’s categories? People must use the category pages toRead More…
Last week, we looked at the distribution of reviews over time. The idea was that reviews could be used to estimate user engagement with Alexa skills.Read More…
A member of the Amazon Alexa slack channel* suggested that customer engagement on Alexa could be measured by looking at the date of all the reviews oRead More…
At yesterday’s Amazon Hardware conference, Amazon announced that the Alexa marketplace now has 100 000 skills. While an impressive number, our previoRead More…
These are simply the most popular skill developers, in terms
of volume and ratings, on the marketplace now. We used the following stringent
criteria Read More…